
Email is Not Dead, Just More Important!

Just a reminder that EMAIL IS NOT DEAD especially when working hand in hand with social media and an e-commerce website to convert sales; it is very much alive!  An integrated marketing strategy is essential to find new customers, warm and massage the relationship until they are ready to engage and want more.  And, wherever they are, you need to be.

These tips will remind you that Email is Not Dead

  • It is not a ONE SIZE FITS ALL
  • You must think about who you are talking to, how and where you can reach them to get your message across in a way that is relevant, interesting, and engaging content.
  • You must satisfy the need of your target audience at whichever stage of their buying journey they happen to be in.

A HubSpot article I’ve just read echoes my coaching practice and I thought to bring you some golden nuggets to work on this week.

“Buyers are no longer okay with outbound emails and cold calls. Instead, marketers need to create and deliver content that meets the consumer where they already are.”

Email is Not Dead AND It is NOT a ONE SIZE FITS ALL

Users in different age groups have vastly different preferences when it comes to consuming, accessing, and discovering content.

Facebook, for younger generations & Google for older people, are the primary places your prospects will look for you or your competitors.

Good old-fashioned PR and publicity through online media Influencers are still going to effectively reach older consumers.

Social Media is no longer just for social sharing but is now a place to go for product research. Younger people consume content and search on mobile. Older people prefer PC or laptops.

‘How To” Video content is the best place you can invest your time and energy for younger generations BUT most Gen-Xers still prefer email, blogs and articles.

Make Long-Form Content like email newsletters and Blogs “Skim-able” using headings, short paragraphs and bullet lists.

Make sure you measure activity on your website with a Facebook pixel.

Here are the 5 Essential Facebook Marketing Steps you need to have ticked off before you can monetize that audience and implement your integrated marketing strategy:

  1. Your PAGE SET UP like a pro so that people easily understand what you offer and how you help.
  2. Your Page is populated with ENGAGING CONTENT that is valuable, interesting, entertaining, and educational to encourage people to want to stay connected.
  3. The COVER PHOTO is enticing.
  4. Your CALL TO ACTION is working with your Sales Funnel.
  5. You must know your IDEAL CUSTOMER better than anyone. i.e. know exactly what will get their attention, what help they need and what transformation they seek.

If you WANT help and you want to learn how to do this for yourself, and only if you are prepared to do the necessary work, GO CHECK OUT my Coaching to Show You How.

You Get a new topic every week and all the training covering the 5 Steps above are already in there, waiting for you.


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