Content Marketing Plan and Strategy

There are essential components required to create an effective Content Marketing Strategy and Plan:

An effective Content Marketing Strategy and Plan puts the Right Message in front of the Right Person in the Right Pace, at the Right Time, in a format they can easily consume and engage with as well as in a language they understand, designed for the device they are using at the time.

Suze Bouwer| Marketing Coach

Right Person

redmatchstick buyer persona or ideal avatar creationYou are also known as your Ideal Customer or your Buyer Persona.

It all begins with your target audience. Until you know who you are talking to, what they want and need, you cannot implement an effective content marketing strategy that gets their attention, keeps their interest until they have a desire or intention to take the next step and exchange something your value in return for something they value.

Conversion is not only about exchanging money for goods or services. When you recognise that Engagement, Conversations and Subscriptions are each a type of Value Exchange, you realise how important effective content marketing needs clear objectives and desire outcomes.

“Content marketing is really like a first date. If all you do is talk about yourself, there won’t be a second date.”

David Beebe

Once you know WHO your Ideal Customer is, AKA the RIGHT PERSON, the next step is to create the  RIGHT CONTENT that will get their attention.

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Right Content

The Redmatchstick content marketing plan is designed to help quickly create the right content and achieve marketing objectives:

  • Inspirational, Aspirational and Motivational content is key to connecting and building relationships. 

Why do quote posts get so much engagement? They talk to the person’s heart and mind without being salesy. Once they click to like, they will see your next post in their News Feed. 

The trick is to keep that interest.


  • Nurturing your audience with ways to inspire trust is a crucial marketing tactic. 

Help them take the following steps all the way down your conversion funnel naturally and without fear of being disappointed or getting scammed.

  • Social Proof. 

Nearly 95% of shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase. Thus, reviews are a powerful tool to influence purchase decisions. Besides, building your Brand by demonstrating your social responsibility using brand advocates and influencers to shout out about you or your business all go a long way to build trust and retain interest.

  • Educate. 

Your job is to help your audience understand how you can help and why they choose you. The better you educate them before they take out their credit card, the more miraculous the evaporation of any objections or last-minute cart abandonment.

  • Learn. 

Knowing your Ideal Customer better than anyone else is a core marketing activity. People change constantly, and marketers can never stop learning what makes them tick, what delights them and what turns them off.

  • Entertain. 

Too many online marketers forget that social media is a social space where people hang out to be entertained, just like people exchange their email addresses with the expectation that valuable content will be delivered to their inbox. Get that wrong, and they unsubscribe. 

  • Random. 

Seemingly insane but constantly engaging and to learn more about what gets their attention and/or engagement.

Days of the Year are no-brainer tactics to leverage random content that can educate, entertain or help you learn about your audience’s interests and needs.

  • Build Desire.

Urge followers to take the next step: a download, signup, or a trial.

  • Conversion.

Most content marketing fails because it does not sell. However, selling is the ultimate marketing objective and needs the right timing, the right message and the right offer.

  • Copywriting.

Improve skills with the use of Power Verbs and Call to Action variations.

  • Authentic Brand Building

Live broadcasts are essential to increase Reach, therefore attracting a new audience AND connecting to real people with Authenticity.

monday without a content planCONTENT MARKETING PLANNER

SIGN UP for our R200 per month with numerous daily tips to get you content marketing like a Pro. 

You can also buy the content plan quarterly.

Right Time

Ensure that you choose the RIGHT TIME for your message, i.e., buyer readiness as well but also what they are doing and how that impacts the attention span or effort they are prepared to invest at that moment in time.

Learn more about how Levels of Awareness and Writing Messages that Convert related well-timed content marketing, which converts prospects to customers.

Right Format

The Right format is essential for a great value proposition, or any other content for that matter, presented in a confusing, uninteresting or boring manner will be a damp squib.

“A great headline mixed with a lame opening is like inviting someone into your house, only to slam the door in their face as they approach.”

Brian Clarke

Right Language and Device

These require spending a bit of time learning about your Ideal Customer’s Generation. 

Do they understand emojis acronyms? Are they reading your content on a tablet, smartphone or old cell with a tiny screen?

content plan 1-2-1 coaching

Content Marketing 1-2-1 Coaching

If you are struggling with copywriting or lacking creativity, let’s get you on the right track with a focused coaching session.

Book a Zoom coaching appointment to learn how to ignite your marketing SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUR BUSINESS.

LEARN HOW to use different formats to deliver your message, including quotes, images, graphics, animations, gifs, slide shows, video, and even LIVE chats.

Mix these up with the rest of your content to Attract, Engage, Nurture and Convert your online audience.

Think out of the box; Content Marketing is about messages that invoke responses you want to be associated with your Brand. 

“Great content is the best sales tool in the world.”

Marcus Sheridan


One of the most time-consuming but essential marketing tasks requires that you attract your Ideal Audience with content that grabs their attention, keeps their interest and builds a desire to act.


Besides communicating and building relationships in a modern way, an engaged audience helps your content work better because Engagement = Increased Reach.

We have done the heavy lifting for you, and you only need to customise to suit your business and get creative.

1. Days-Of-Year Calendar Watch

Ø  Not all Days of the Year or National Days will apply to your business or audience.

Ø  These days have been collected from many different sources and may be celebrated in other countries. 

Ø  If the cap fits, make it your Day too, and you may identify an audience interest you were not aware of!

Ø  Use those that apply to your industry or audience and build your brand or help you connect. 

Ø  This is a generic plan intended to help any small business owner become a master content marketer.

Ø  Think out of the box; use images that invokes responses you want to be associated with your Brand. 

Ø  Use days of the year as inspiration to build your message when you are stuck for an idea.

2. Add your own Business Calendar

Diarise Promotions, Seasons, Events, Industry, Niche Dates of interest and relevance.

3. Hashtags & Keywords

Ø  Use platform best practices and remember they are a tool for Discoverability and do not add to the user experience.

Ø  Do not overdo them!

Ø  Test #s for Days of the Year AND Days of the Week. Check what is Trending. Leverage your own Brand/Product or event #s.

Ø  Try this FREE tool HERE.

4. Why?

Every single bit of content you put out there should take people on a journey with a Marketing Objective in mind.

i.e., Attract / Build / Nurture / Convert

It helps to specify and check your KPIs to keep on track.

5. What?

Ø  Video is currently the top-performing continent. However, do not let anyone tell you what works and what does not.

Ø  Change it up and test for yourself.

Ø  Try to follow our suggestions for creating different types of content, even if it is uncomfortable. 

Ø  Always visualise the Buyer Persona you are posting a message for. Focus on them, their life, interests & challenges.

Ø  80/20 Rule applies! It is about them, and ONLY 10–15% of your content is Salesy on social media.

6. Who?

Who will create? Share the responsibility with us if you are time-strapped.

We can help DO IT WITH YOU or FOR YOU.

7. Where?

Ø  Content Marketing is about going where your target audience is, which dictates which platform or channel you will use to distribute your content. e.g., Facebook and Instagram more than once daily; LinkedIn Daily and YouTube weekly.  

Ø  Add BLOG and Newsletter every second week, etc.

Ø  Consistency and quality are critical to building relationships, and this plan helps you achieve that. 

8. When?

Check your Insights & Analytics to ascertain when your ideal customers are online.

9. Test. Test. Test!

Ø  Check platform Analytics or Insights to measure performance every week.

Ø  Do not assume until your audience shows you what they like best.

Ø  Learn what works and improve.

Ø  Social Media demands that you always show you are LISTENING by responding and joining conversations.

10. BONUS Done for you Posts

You get a link to a DROPBOX with posts ready to go or to use as templates to save time!



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