how to create video testimonials

TESTIMONIALS Help Customers choose YOU!

TESTIMONIALS are a way to Help Customers choose YOU, to monitor sentiment, customer satisfaction and your service delivery and standards.

You should encourage customers to provide you with feedback constantly.

Customer and Client Testimonials are one of your most effective and inexpensive marketing tools at your disposal to attract customers and yet are so underutilized.

So where can you generate testimonials and reviews?

  • Online Survey Links via email and social media
  • Offline Feedback Cards
  • Talking with Customers
  • Review sites like TripAdvisor, Google my Business and Facebook.

The reason testimonials should form an integral part of your modern marketing strategy is that the internet has provided consumers with access to more information than ever BEFORE they make a purchase decision.

What they are looking for is informative content and trusted thought leadership as they research their purchases.  People use Reviews and Testimonials to help them make the right buying decisions and the authentic and natural enthusiasm of a satisfied client about your business is pure marketing gold.

You should capitalise on that.

People compare several competing products and one of your jobs is to build confidence by featuring the key benefits you offer.  This can be very effectively done through the mouth of a satisfied customer or an expert recommendation.

Online video Testimonials are an essential touchpoint during the aspirational and research phase of decision-making during a customer’s buying journey.


List all the questions people ask before they buy and talk about them with a current customer on video.  You will see an incredible increase in sales conversion.

Of course, you must know what your prospect values most in terms of your product or service efficiency, performance, economy, quality, how it makes them feel or what problem it solves. Plus you must help them make a meaningful differentiation from your competition, so they decided that your product is the right one to buy.

It is a clever idea to address objections to buying your product before they are even considered.

The more natural, the more believable especially if the person is someone a prospective customer can relate to.

Use someone who matches your Ideal Customer Avatar.

Create a scene that your prospective customer aspires to be in!

Choose a location that is identifiable with your business.  e.g., with a logo in the background, sampling your product tasting the dish of the day, handshake on the Green, thumbs up, pop into the screen from the side; pull a funny face etc.

Do something silly or interesting to capture a viewer’s attention within the first 2 seconds!

The ideal length of a Testimonial is 2 minutes.

Record longer if the interview is going well but CUT once you have all the info you need.

Good natural light is essential.  Check shadows and external noise don’t affect the quality.

Excellent sound is KEY!

Listen so you can expand with ‘Tell Me More ….’

Appear natural and spontaneous.

Do not worry about stuttering and mispronouncing, it’s authentic.

Use your sense of humour to humanise your brand.

Keep the conversation flowing naturally.

Have someone film and someone else ask questions.

Confirm your client understands that the video is for promotional purposes.

Ask Open-ended Questions.

Run through the proposed questions with your client first.

Record a dummy run to get everyone comfortable and to check sound and light.

A trusted referral influences people more than the best broadcast message.

– Mark Zuckerberg

Testimonials are customer recommendations


  • Introduce yourself (your name and designation) from (name of business and location)
  • Direct attention to the interviewee and introduce by name.
  • Thank you …
  • Tell us about yourself
  • Where do you Work and Live (This question helps viewers identify with him/her)
  • Why are you here / what are you doing?
  • (Demo what they are sampling)
  • How long have you been a customer?
  • What made you choose us? (Reasons to Buy whatever it is you are promoting)
  • What do you enjoy most about being a customer?
  • How would you recommend us to friends and colleagues?
  • Thanks (Name) ….
  • Sweep away to a scene or your logo for a few seconds so the ending is not abrupt.


Upload direct to Facebook AND YouTube, then Edit Title and Tags, Add Captions if you wish.

Use either platform to Embed in your Website/Blog.

Save video, Title and Tag.

Use for more effective Boosted Post Facebook Ad.

Check out the ways we collect recommendations, testimonials, and reviews

Suze Bouwer, owner and creator of is a marketing coach who supports small businesses in Southern Africa by showing (not telling!) owners and managers how to get better, easier and quicker results from digital marketing.  Making sense of this often confusing and constantly changing space, Suze shows how to work smarter using tried and tested systems and strategies that support the business, save time and money whilst avoiding costly mistakes, frustration and muddling along alone.

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