10 Digital Marketing Tips

Some tried and tested Digital Marketing Tips

These are useful and easy digital marketing tips that you can apply right away.

Add them to your Chat Plan and try a new and different digital marketing tip each day.

Do you need help with your Content Marketing? Check out our Digital Marketing Strategy template here.

Provide Value

Provide immediate value with all marketing messages.

Before posting ask yourself if your message entertains, inspires, informs or educates.

Use Brand Advocates and Influencers

Feature a regular guest posts from a Brand advocate or Influencer.

Guest writers are likely to share this content to their audience.

Start one-to-one Conversations

Facebook messaging is a great way to start direct and private one on one conversation.

Offer a trial, a visit to your venue or a buy now special.

Build your Reputation

Look Groups potential customers hang out online.Search Facebook or Discussion groups on other platforms.

Build awareness by adding value to conversations and move on share your own page posts that a performing well.  Never over do it!

Its pays to Advertise!

You must “Pay to Play”.

Run a Facebook Ad and optimise clicks through to a special offer on your website.

Don’t be pushy

Don’t ask for too much info when you run campaigns to attract new customers.

Just their email address should be sufficient.

Give them a reason

Give something valuable away in return for email addresses.

Once they opt in you can tell them more about your products and services.

Leads are everywhere

Encourage email subscriptions at reception, on feedback forms, every website page, contests and so on.

Give yourself a chance

Search for high popularity of 2-3 related keywords and then focus on them in Blog posts. This will optimise search to draw in your target market.

Target and Focus

Use niche marketing tactics rather than spray and pray!

Thanks to an infographic by www.findnewcustomers.com

…. anything to add?

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Suze Bouwer founder and owner of RedMatchstick Hospitality Marketing is a marketing coach and consultant with a passion for helping small business owners and managers integrate digital marketing into their business strategy.  Learn to do it yourself!


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