email marketing

10 Better Email Tips for Marketing

10 Tips to Personalise your email marketing better and improve results:

  1. Concern yourself more with how much you know about your customers rather than how names are on your List. You should treat your customers like individuals by collecting quality data about them.
  2. Gather demographics like Age, Gender and Location and ensure you can sort your list by male or female if the message is targeted to either or; Generation; and, Where they live, work or travel to.
  3. Only ask for relevant data that you know you will be using and don’t irritate people asking for more than 3 fields of data at a time.
  4. Email marketing benefits from people know they can trust you.  Ensure that your subscribers know that they can trust you with their personal data.
  5. Always make clear “what is in it for them” in very mail. Give people a reason to sign up, stay in touch and not Unsubscribe.
  6. Give people the option to customise their subscription but supplying the option to personalise data; the option to sign up for different types and frequency of your communication.  This way they can choose the relevance of what they want to receive from you and provide an insight into what they like.
  7. Use welcome emails for new subscribers and supply insider info like introducing key staff.
  8. Keep emails brief, easy to scan and interesting, using clear call to action to direct them a landing more info, the ‘buy’ button etc. and the use email Analytics to get further data about their specific (or lack of) action taken.
  9. Use surveys to get opinions about before new campaigns, offers, product launches etc. as well as to gather feedback post events.
  10. Always give an Opt Out option and ask people why they are unsubscribing to learn how you can improve the experience.

Contact us if you need some help to review your current email marketing strategy and provide coaching to ignite this valuable marketing tactic! What we do here

Do you use additional tactics to personalise your marketing communication?  We’d love to hear in the comments section below.

Suze Bouwer is a marketing coach and consultant that gets fired up by sharing tips, tools and expertise that show small business owners and managers how to do a better marketing job.; to save them money, time and, frustration; to provide them will peace of mind by getting better brand awareness, delivering great customer service, reputation enhancement and lead generation.

That’s because People Buy from Businesses they Trust!.

email TIPS




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