Social Media made simple Series by

Social Media Tips Part III : LinkedIn & Pinterest

To say I was discombobulated by this digital marketing thing just a few years ago would be an understatement.

As a bit of an industry dinosaurs it was sufficiently onerous to grasp the whole discipline, let alone keep current in this perplexing, constantly changing environment and also achieve my employer’s goals and objectives.

It is as a result of this experience that I have spent many hours reading and researching what I believe to be the best practices for implementation – to make it easier for you to “DO”.

Whilst I have listed many Why’s? for those that need convincing, the value in this work comes in the myriad of Tips I have gathered from my own experience, numerous sources and experts so that you WORK SMARTER AND NOT HARDER.

Okay, but before we delve into more social media tips… a reminder to focus your energy, attention and budget on optimizing the visual content of your website and social media.  Giving visitors things to pin, post, retweet and share gives you endless marketing opportunities but you must name the and include Alt Text with images and link to an appropriate URL landing page.

Tweet This  Happy to share Red Matchstick social media Tips

Anything visual is good but do err on the side of “Quality” for your Brand’s sake, since the URL is pulled through with shared photos.

The SA Social Media Landscape 2014 research study identifies that 93% of major brands, across all industries, use Facebook, 79% use Twitter, 58% YouTube, 46% LinkedIn and 28% Pinterest.  (Note the list of references for further reading at the end of this Blog if needed)

It is therefore not surprising that we focus this Blog on LinkedIn and Pinterest.

LinkedIn_logoWhat is LinkedIn really?

LinkedIn is for professionals, about professionals and is the largest professional network with over 300 million members.

The platform is designed specifically for networking, to help professionals find a job, discover sales leads and connect with potential business partners and it’s potential lies in its power to build authority, establish thought leadership, and cultivate a robust network.

This is also a place where professionals can gain advice, industry insights and exchange ideas.

13% of LinkedIn users are signing in daily since it is used to check up on business partners, find jobs, and occasionally network – things users do periodically, unlike social media fanatics on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Why is it important?

  • This is a good platform to build awareness amongst male professionals.
  • LinkedIn is the third-fastest-growing social network and more than two new users sign up every second.
  • 78 million unique visits per month.
  • 79% of LinkedIn users are aged 35 or older.
  • The three dominant sectors on the platform are high tech (14.3%), finance (12.4%) and manufacturing (10.1%). Worth noting is that the legal sector is only 1.4% of users.
  • LinkedIn is the No. 1 social referral source to direct traffic to your own website and blog.
  • Linkedin is important for establishing industry expertise and leadership.
  • 65% B2B companies acquired customers through LinkedIn.
  • 40% B2B buyers use LinkedIn when researching technologies and services to purchase.
  • 38% of internet users with an income of more than $75k are on the platform.
  • It is recommend all free-lance marketers, bloggers, journalists, designers, etc., to have a significant presence on LinkedIn.
  • It’s hugely influential in the job hunt, both for employers and applicants; businesses (especially B2B service providers), Recruiters and Job-Seekers

According to Search Engine Journal, marketers love Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. They leave out LinkedIn. But beware … LinkedIn is the platform for B2B marketing although not so much for B2C marketing.

LinkedIn Tips

1. Audience – High tech, finance and manufacturing professionals
2. B2B for service providers
3. Scan industry groups a few times a week, respond to or ask questions
4. Be Mature, Informative and useful

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Pinterest is a photo-sharing social network that’s taken the web by storm. It delivers extremely high engagement from its users who are a very important demographic and that is “affluent women’.

It works like a notice board to which you pin images with tacks and boards are organized around themes based on what people love.
Pinterest is extremely effective in helping Marketers pin-point (excuse the pun) target markets.

Food is one of the fastest growing categories on Pinterest but note that other segments include household and décor, fashion, travel and retail.

Why it is important?

  • It’s No.3 most popular social media platform
  • 40 million active users per month; 69% of total users are female
  • 92% pins made by women
  • Users go to Pinterest for shopping inspiration
  • Users have spending power! It has the second-highest percentage of internet users in the $50,000+/year income bracket
  • Pinterest sees the highest average spend per order, followed by Facebook and then Twitter

Tips  for Pinterest success

1. Audience – Mainly affluent women but is becoming more balanced gender-wise
2. Frequency – Multiple times per day
3. Best Day – Saturdays
4. Best Time – All day except dinner time and after 23h00.

36 more Tips for Insiders Only

Please do share any success (or other) stories with LinkedIn and Pinterest in the Comments below

Our report has been compiled for you following extensive research and the many sources are listed here if you have the time to delve deeper. I believe it is not unreasonable to assume that the State of Social Media in South Africa 2014 Report is a good indication of trends for the Southern African region, especially since your guests come from near, far and further. Obviously we have also taken material from research and articles originating in US and Europe. Planning Guide 2015



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