Marketing Intro Video Series

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Many business owners I meet are understandably ‘clueless’ about where to start or focus their marketing attention.

This prompted my Marketing Intro video series to help make #StayHome exciting and rewarding.  It worries me that people don’t know what they don’t know and so often end up paying too much or signing up for services they do not need.

Even if you don’t plan to become a marketer, it is important to understand how it works, what to expect from your service providers and how to hold them accountable for real results that achieve agreed goals and meet your expectations.

In this Marketing Intro Video, we connect the dots to build a complete picture and help you create a simple MARKETING MADE SIMPLE STRATEGY.

Goals connect the dots MARKETING MADE SIMPLE :

Why should you join me to learn MARKETING?

You will:

  • easily and quickly identify gaps that need attention
  • be able to focus on picking low hanging fruit
  • get answers to questions you never thought to ask
  • understand that a plan and process is needed
  • get information and secrets that are generally not shared
  • learn how to use work from home time to build your business.

Marketing Intro Video #1: 

How to Build a Sound Marketing Foundation that Supports a Growing Business

MARKETING MADE SIMPLE I: Get clarity about the 5 ESSENTIAL PILLARS needed to build a foundation that supports business growth and sustains change well into the future. 

These Pillars are:

1.           Why?  Getting clear on your Big Why and what drives you, what gives meaning to your Business, is the secret sauce that sets you apart?

2.           What? A real understanding of what problems your products or services solve is what matters most and what interests Ideal Customers.  This leads to marketing communication which builds trust, engages and sells.

3.           ‘Who’? The cornerstone of any successful marketing strategy is knowing your Ideal Customer(s) better than anyone. Read more about Ideal Customer Avatars.

4.           When is your Ideal Customer searching to solve a problem you help with? To be in the right place at the right time, with the right message, it’s useful to understand their journey of discovery and the levels of Awareness that influence their ‘readiness’ to buy.

5.           Where entails going to your Customers and not blindly going to where experts, with cookie-cutter solutions, tell you to go.  Another important reason to listen and learn about what your Ideal Customers want.

DOWNLOAD the Worksheet!

Marketing Intro Video 1: 5 Essential Marketing Pillars:  Why; What; Who; When; Where;
Marketing Intro Video 1

Watch the Marketing Intro Video Training below

Marketing Intro Video #2

Pillar 4 – When is the burning question?

MARKETING MADE SIMPLE II: Your Ideal Customer is searching for a solution and goes through a Journey of Discovery. As they discover, research, learn, compare and show interest the messages they respond to differ.

A successful marketers creates the Right Message to put in front of the Right Customer in the Right Place at the Right Time!

Marketing Intro Video 2: 5 Stages of a Customer Journey
DOWNLOAD the Worksheet!
Marketing Intro Video 2

Marketing Intro Video #3: 

Pillar 4 – Where to Go!

MARKETING MADE SIMPLE III: Create a Process that takes Prospects to Fans, on to become Customers.

Marketing Intro Video 3:  How to Takes Suspects to Prospects to Fans to Customers
Marketing Intro Video 3

Don’t know where to start?

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