Free ZERO TO HERO Mini-Training for Startups
This FREE Marketing for Startups training is for the DREAMERS out there! If you need clarity for the road ahead and you have decided to find out what lies at the foundation of your road to success … read on.
If you are dreaming of a start-up business, and you can’t carry on struggling with leaving the kids when you go to work; your dream of a work-from-home job or you are a solopreneur and small biz owner who feels chronically left behind then I can help you.
Do you believe me when I tell you that someone out there needs what you’ve got and maybe taking for granted?
If you know MORE about something than any single person out there or have something you can HELP people with that someone does not have, then YOU are your answer to that question. If you have a gift, a talent, a passion or knowledge that you love to spend time doing more than anything else … then this is for you.
If you let me help you to move forward with energy and excitement then I have achieved something worthwhile and not wasted your time or mine.
Here in the THICK of it, WALKING THE TALK, I am offering a real-life Southern Africa Small Biz helpline to walk into your own success story without delay!
Marketing for Startups COMPLIMENTARY TRAINING:
This exercise will reveal the goal that motivates you through tough times. It’s the driving force that will propel you forward.
When you are purpose-driven by your Why – you can handle ANY How.
Marketing for Startups fundamental: WHAT YOU SELL
When you redefine your product or service while standing in their shoes, you talk to the emotional brain that makes people put cash on the table without you having to be ‘salesy’.
When you know who Needs it most you are ready to Put the Right Offer in front of the Right Customer in the Right Place at the Right Time
APOLOGIES for the poor visual quality in the last few minutes but be sure to LISTEN!
GRAB YOUR Marketing for Startups WORKSHEET FOR PART 1!
Have I got you Interested?
Then, let me show you … and save you time, effort and muddling about alone!
Learn How to Do Marketing – QUICKER, EASIER, SMARTER with our Kick-start Marketing Short Course for Start-ups and Small Business
I invite you to One-on-one Coaching to get you clarity and moving forward with renewed passion.
I hope you are up for it and all fired up to ignite your marketing, see you on the other side