When your marketing is not generating leads that are warm and ready to learn more and ultimately convert to clients or customers, then you need to get in touch. There is probably a teeny something that needs tweaking starting with:
Lead Generation Opt-in Pages
A Landing Page is a single page on a website (or Blog) used to achieve specific online marketing objectives.
Get people to sign up to your database or prospect list so you can build your relationship from “Just Met” to “Trusted”.
- signing up for your newsletter in return for something they value
- claiming your special offers.
Lead Generation & Call to Action (CTA)
Potential customers Click-Through on a Call to Action on social media, a newsletter or online advertising and the Landing page is designed to capture their contact information for leads and repeat marketing.
You get the best results by sending relevant info and appropriate incentives. We SHOW YOU HOW!
Email Signature with Links
The same reason you have a business card applies to your email signature.
How many emails are sent from your business daily? Imagine if these were converting into business?
Email signatures should be working for you by enhancing your brand reputation as well as linking to a campaign or unique offer.
B2B Lead Generation on LinkedIn
We show you how to identify, target and develop relationships with your ideal prospects on LinkedIn.
Ask us to SHOW YOU HOW to help you find and convert sales opportunities!