brand consistency builds trust

6 Ways to Build Trust with Brand Consistency

I want to remind you how important it is to stay on Brand with Voice, Tone, and DESIGN irrespective of whether you are a one-man show or a group of hotels!

“A brand is a perceived value. It’s the personality of the company. Brands spend a lot of time and money to get the right colours, fonts, imagery, tone, and messaging to provide a unified look and feel.” – Michael Lacey, Canto.

Why is Brand Consistency important, you might ask?

Because “This unified look and feel creates familiarity and trust in the marketplace.”

People buy from businesses they TRUST. If you believe in the Value you offer and the transformation you promise, then this is important!

If you find it difficult to get the ATTENTION of your ideal audience, try these Tips:
  1. Communicate Consistently
  2. Distribute Content where your Ideal Audience Hangs out
  3. Create Content that speaks to their challenges in their own language
  4. Ensure your content builds trust by standing out.  Aim for content that is classy, relevant, stylish and has a clear Voice that is recognised across platforms and formats as Yours.

6 Ways to get Brand Consistency & Grow Business

1. Be the MASTER of Your Brand

Sign up for my Content Creation Made Simple short-course where you will learn:

  • How to unlock all the magic of the CANVA CONTENT CREATION TOOL even if you are a technophobe or believe you are not creative.
  • How to use Fonts, Images, Video and Animation to BRING YOUR MESSAGES TO LIFE.
  • You get complete CLARITY about how different types of content for specific platforms must be sized and look, e.g. Stories, Reels & TikTok.
  • Bonuses include a CURRENT MONTHLY CONTENT CALENDAR which gives you all you need to implement a Marketing Strategy (Value R200, and the Course fee is R495!!)
  • You are COACHED AND ENCOURAGED all the way through to complete the course and become a content creator in control of your own marketing!
  • I have even added a NO RISK GUARANTEE!

content creation made simple courseLEARN MORE HERE 

The biggest mistake business owners with poor engagement and low conversion rates make is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!

Not Enough Time is not a valid excuse.

Spend a week learning this now and Save Money and Time going forward because you can DIY your own content creation and design at will, where and when you please! READ THAT AGAIN!

Imagine not wasting time unpacking your vision to a third party and explaining what you want?

Not having to wait for someone else to create content for you?

Testing and tweaking your own marketing material without paying more?

JOIN US TODAY. Unlock the power of FREE CANVA and use the right technology to help you reduce brand confusion, curb mistakes, cut costs, and improve consistency.


2. Get clear on PLATFORMS

Get clear on WHICH PLATFORMS you will use to promote your business.

These will be where your Ideal Customers spend their time AND where you can be seen.

3. Specify Content TYPE & FORMAT to Build your Brand

Specify which TYPES OR FORMATS of content are relevant to the platform and which you can produce.

For example, if you appeal to the TikTok audience, the content has a very definite format and vibe, so you should ask if this ‘fits’ your brand and if you can or need to outsource content creation.

4. Set up a BRAND KIT

Set up a BRAND KIT to record your Logo, Icon, Fonts, and Colour Codes.

This is the GO-TO referral document when you need to brief a designer or you’re picking fonts and colours on a digital platform. DOWNLOAD our Brand Style Guide Template! 

5. AUTOMATE Consistency

Use a Tool that simply brings it all together, like CANVA.

The Free version is Good but at $12.99 per month, you get a powerhouse of creation capability not the least of which is the BACKGROUND REMOVER.  Our short course shows you what you get if you upgrade to paid and take advantage of the Free Trial!

6. Every Building has a BLUEPRINT

Implement a CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY to set, measure and achieve marketing objectives that Grow Your Business.

Organise your ideas into one BRAIN DUMP Folder in the Cloud accessible on all devices and to all team members. (Canva lets you give access to team members so you can work on the same material, thus ensuring consistency and saving time briefing or replicating)

Our monthly Content Planner has done all the heavy lifting and strategising for you.  Without tech and marketing skills, simply use the prompt and create your message. CHECK IT OUT!

suze Bouwer Marketing Enabler


Any Questions or Comments? Pop on over to our KISS Group and let’s talk more!

Suze Bouwer, Marketing Enabler, Implementation Coach, and Content Creator, helps Start-Ups, Online Shop Owners, Interior Designers, Coaches, and Real Estate Agents establish online marketing platforms and implement her MARKETING MADE SIMPLE as A B C program to ATTRACT * BUILD* CONVERT an audience and GROW BUSINESS.

Services include Do-it-FOR-you or DO-it-WITH-You Social Media, Local, Email and Content Marketing.

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