Level I: Marketing Foundation Overview
Value: R6 040.00
A 1 – 2 hour meeting to:
IDENTIFY a Marketing Foundation.
- Business Value Clarification
- Mission Statement
- Unique Selling Proposition
- Articulated on Website
- What Problem do you Solve?
- How is your Soution Unique?

- Offline Marketing Collateral
- Brand ONLINE Search to assess presence.
Your Target Audience
- Size
- How large & defendable is this target market?
- Expected Growth
- Is it profitable & will it grow?
- Competitive Position
- Cost to Reach
- Affordable & Accessible with current tactics?
S.M.A.R.T. Marketing Goals
- Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
- How aligned is the Target market with Goals?
Level II:
Marketing Foundation Overview
Market Presence
Value: R6 040.00 + R8 625.00 = R14 665.00
- IDENTIFY Online and Offline Step-By-Step Presence
- Mystery Shopper
- Online Journey Assessment of Customer Journey
1. Discovery
- Social Media Platform Relevance & Quality
- Local Directories
- Review Sites
- Google My Business Claimed
2. Search
- Search Engine Results Page (SERP):
- Brand
- Category
- Location

3. Research
- FAQs
- Enquiries
- Customer Service
4. Trust
- Reputation Enhancement
- Reviews
- Testimonials
- Case Studies
- List Building
- Email/SMS
5. Conversion
- Online/Offline Conversion Processes & Effectiveness
6. Advocacy
- Retention
- Loyalty
Follow-up Report will be provided with a proposal to RECTIFY.
Level III:
Marketing Foundation Overview
Market Presence
Conversion Funnel Optimation
Value: R14 665 + R6 040 = R20 705.00
- IDENTIFY Conversion Funnel Weaknesses
1. Buyer Personas
2. Quantity and Quality of Offers
- The Promise
- The Process
- The Price
- Added Value
- Risk-Reversal
- Conversion
- Optimisation
- The Story

3. Website Effectiveness Checklist
4. Current Marketing Campaigns
- Right Customer
- Right Message
- Right Place
- Right Price
- Right Time
- Right Measurement
Follow-up Report will be provided with a proposal to RECTIFY.