
Digital Marketing for Small Business

Digital Marketing is what modern marketing is all about – like it or hate it, you have to embrace it.

I invite you to work with me to get results easier, quicker and probably at less cost than carrying on in denial or muddling about trying to figure out your own Digital Marketing.

“It is the people who figure out how to work simply in the present, rather than the people who mastered the complexities of the past, who get to say what happens in the future.”  – Clay Shirky, author, professor

RedMatchstick Digital Marketing Services

Digital Marketing Services offered:

redmatchstick social media marketing

Social Media Marketing

redmatchstick content marketing

Content Marketing

redmatchstick monthly content planner

Content Plan

redmatchstick social media video creation

Social Media Video

redmatchstick buyer persona or ideal avatar creation

Ideal Customer Avatars

redmatchstick list management and email marketing

Lead Generation

Email Marketing

redmatchstick google my business

Google My Business

Why You Need Digital Marketing

  • Technology is taking over and the rate at which the digital environment is changing, makes it very difficult to stay at the cutting edge; let alone implement new promotional ideas and marketing tactics!
  • Your Customers are online and they demand that you are there too.
  • They require relevant and engaging information 24/7 365 days of the year.  And, since your Competitors all clamouring to be heard in an increasingly noisy space. You have a teeny window of opportunity.  It figures that had better be good at it because potential and current people business decision-makers have access to heaps and heaps of it at the swipe of a finger or click of a button.
  • A RedMatchstick Digital Marketing Coach can help you keep up and even outperform IF you are prepared to do the work!
  • A Digital Marketing Strategy is essential for Business Owners who want to generate leads and grow their business online.
  • Clear direction, focus and timelines are required.

RedMatchstick Digital Marketing Strategy

The RedMatchstick Digital Marketing Strategy for Business Owners components include the ‘why’, ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘when’ and ‘how’.

The RedMatchstick coaching program will take you through each of the 7 Steps with templates and tools to help you define and action your strategy in a simplified and actionable way, designed to bring you measurable results and a good return on investment.  

But, only if you do the work!

9 Essential Questions about your Digital Marketing Strategy

  1.  Where are you now?
  2. What do you want to achieve?
  3. Who are your Buyer Personas?
  4. Where will your ideal potential or existing customer “touch’ your business?
  5. What must you say, write and show?
  6. Where and how will you interact?
  7. When do you entertain, educate, promote and sell?
  8. How will you use your available time, skills, people and precious $$$?
  9. How will you monitor your progress, results and other criteria that impact your success?

IGNITE your online performance with the RedMatchstick Digital Marketing Strategy for Business Owner will coordinate your efforts and make the best use of limited resources, typically experienced by Small Businesses.

Get more information about our coaching and training modules to help you ignite your online marketing NOW

More about how to do your Digital Marketing Strategy

Even if you already have your Marketing Strategy in place, and you just want to update your plan to get up to date with the changing times, then  check these boxes:

Digital Marketing for Small Business


YES - make it mine Why are you in business?  Are you focused on what matters most?  If you do not believe in your Promise and get great pleasure out of what you do, then find something that does do that or get a 9 to 5 job working for someone else.


YES - make it mineWho is your IDEAL CUSTOMER really?  Once you know who they are, where they spend their time, what interests them, what keeps them awake at night; who they follow, what they watch and read … then, and ONLY THEN can you talk to them in a language they understand, relate to and want to know better!


YES - make it mineDo you understand what you offer in terms of the BENEFITS you deliver?  If you only tell customers what they can see, taste, touch and not what change they can expect to see as a result of investing in you and how they will feel, then you are leaving your money right there on the table!


YES - make it mineWhere do they Buy – online and offline?  Are you at every touchpoint and checking there is absolutely NO friction that may impact negatively on your conversion rates?

Why + What + Who + Where + When = YOUR MARKETING STRATEGY

HOW?  You need us to show you the quickest, cheapest and easiest way to get there!


YES - make it mineDo you engage throughout the Customer Journey?  The internet has created a journey starting with Dreaming through to Sharing.

Your job as a marketer is to position your offer in front of them to get their attention, retain their Interest, inspire their Desire to Acquire!  (AIDA)


Marketing Coaching Call -1 Hour





YES - make it mine Why are you in business?  Are you focused on what matters most?  If you do not believe in your Promise and get great pleasure out of what you do, then find something that does do that or get a 9 to 5 job working for someone else.



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